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Looking for answers?

Our Story

Martin Nyanzu accepted Christ at the age of thirteen by responding to the gospel. He had his undergraduate studies at JHJ School of Communication at Howard University in Washington DC. He holds a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling and a Master of Divinity in Christian Apologetics, both from Liberty University.

He is currently a PhD student in Liberty University's Theology and Apologetics program. His areas of interest are defense of the faith, biblical interpretation and history of revivals.

Mission & Vision


Finding faith is part of our journey. It is okay to be unsettled. It is okay to have relentlessness in the journey of finding faith. Our mission is to come along in bridging the gap between faith and doubt through non-judgemental apologetic encounters in the public square, by offering believable reasons and reasons to believe.


To accomplish our mission, we believe we have to start from the elemental stage of life. Therefore, Anchored kids is designed to equip children with the basics of the Christian faith. Real Answers is designed to engage doubters and seekers who might be unsettled in their journey of finding faith on our college campuses. MeasureUp is designed to equip congregations to be always ready to give reasons for the hope that is within them.

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